The chef


Chef Matthias Speybrouck cooked with Piet Huysentruyt in 'Le Lutin Gourmand', Sergio Herman in 'Oud Sluis' and Kobe Desramaults in 'In de Wulf' and 'De Vitrine', among others. Over the years he created his own style, which he himself prefers to describe as 'Rough and Refined'.
Va et Vient according to Michelin
Va et Vient according to Gault & Millau

North Sea Chef

Matthias is also part of the NorthSeaChefs, an a-commercial organization that encourages chefs, amateur cooks and consumers to responsibly handle unloved and lesser-known fish species and bycatch caught by Belgian & Dutch fishermen. For example, Matthias' favorite North Sea fish is pollock.

Book a table
Chef Mathias in his herb garden
Bowl of amuse
Chef Mathias explains the menu
House pickled carrots
Some amuses on a plate
Chef Matthias stirs the pots